Embrace Earth Urn- The Floral Bouquet


Handcrafted of sustainable materials, the Embrace Biodegradable Urn for ashes in Floral Bouquet is a natural light blue and white box-shaped urn designed for biodegradable earth burial. They are perfect to be kept on a mantle, or will fully biodegrade when placed into the earth. 

Beautiful and dignified, they are a perfect option for families wishing to honor a loved one with an eco-friendly ceremony.

  • Size: Adult Urn
  • Dimension: 21.6 cm x 21.6cm x 12.7cm
  • Capacity: ~ 4.1 Litres to prior cremation


Handcrafted of sustainable materials, the Embrace Biodegradable Urn for ashes in Floral Bouquet is a natural light blue and white box-shaped urn designed for biodegradable earth burial. They are perfect to be kept on a mantle, or will fully biodegrade when placed into the earth. 

Beautiful and dignified, they are a perfect option for families wishing to honor a loved one with an eco-friendly ceremony.

  • Size: Adult Urn
  • Dimension: 21.6 cm x 21.6cm x 12.7cm
  • Capacity: ~ 4.1 Litres to prior cremation


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